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Our work

Supporting the growth and development of networks is an investment with enormous reach and potential. Regional early childhood networks catalyse change in policy and practice by mobilising their members to generate evidence, share knowledge, strengthen capacity and build the resilience of ECD systems across their regions, which together span over 100 countries.


By funding networks, we enable a wider chain of impact that runs from a network’s membership of organisations to the communities, families and children that they serve.

Feeding Child

We support regional networks through three types of funding:

Core support

Support the member-driven strategic plans of the networks

Learning and development

Strengthen the capacity and impact of each network and learning between them

Thematic funding

Enable collaborative projects that the networks deliver with their members and other partners

The regional networks

Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN)
The African Early Childhood Network (AfECN) is a registered non-profit, established in 2015 to serve as a platform to champion excellence and collaboration in protecting children's rights, influence policy and practice, strengthen partnerships, and share experiences and knowledge in ECD on the African continent.
To achieve its objectives, the network; comprising of  organisations from civil society, academia and the private sector collaborates with the African Union Commission, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Health Communities as well as African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) and other continental and regional bodies to support design, implementation and continuous improvement of multi sectoral early childhood programmes across Africa Union Member States.

Regional advocacy in Africa

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National networking

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Facilitating a regional research network

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The benefits of collaborative funding

The Early Childhood Regional Networks Fund is a philanthropic pooled funding initiative. Together we:
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Streamline the administrative burden of grant-making, for recipients as well as for funding institutions.

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Build sector-wide capacity on ECD themes – and its intersecting issues - around the world.

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Create a community (networks and donors) for sharing insights and learning.

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Promote collaboration among networks, among foundations, and between them.

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Share the risks and opportunities among donors.

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Creates new opportunities for synergies in financial and non-financial support.

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Latest updates from the Fund

Take-aways from our Annual Meeting in Penang, Malaysia

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ECD Regional Networks: Stories of Success in 2023

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Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development. 27-30 May 2024




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