About us

Our story

Over the last two decades, private foundations have supported the infrastructure and capacity of the emerging early childhood sector, recognising the critical role that networks play as scaffolding to that infrastructure.

Without networks, we lack the platform to share knowledge and best practices, the place to incubate new ideas and generate collective momentum, and the channels to coordinate plans and strategies to avoid re-inventing the wheel.

Rather than tackling issues in isolation, networks combine the forces of many different actors to coordinate action and make progress together.

In early childhood, where positive outcomes are dependent on the collaboration between many sectors and stakeholders, networks play an even more significant role.

kids playing

Without networks, we lack the platform to share knowledge and best practices, the place to incubate new ideas and generate collective momentum, and the channels to coordinate plans and strategies to avoid re-inventing the wheel.

Rather than tackling issues in isolation, networks combine the forces of many different actors to coordinate action and make progress together.

In early childhood, where positive outcomes are dependent on the collaboration between many sectors and stakeholders, networks play an even more significant role.

Kids sitting

With four regional early childhood networks established, the opportunity was ripe to support the sustainability, capacity and collaboration required of these networks to move the needle on early childhood development outcomes. As a result, the Early Childhood Regional Networks Fund was launched in June 2022.

Nurturing Care Framework

The Nurturing Care Framework is central to our work and the work of the networks we support. Ensuring alignment with its components is key to effective early childhood development interventions.

Nurturing Care Framework

The Nurturing Care Framework is central to our work and the work of the networks we support. Ensuring alignment with its components is key to effective early childhood development interventions.

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Meet the team

Our team combines 15 years of grant-making experience and a passion for child rights. By encouraging collaboration and connecting the dots across borders and boundaries, we support ECD networks to remain powerful forces with the rights and development of children at the very heart of what they do.

Giulia Barnhisel

Fund Director

Eldin Bajrić

Fund Coordinator

Our partner foundations

The ECRN Fund is a collaborative fund hosted by the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, supported by Oak Foundation, the Open Society Foundations, Porticus, The Human Safety Net, the Van Leer Foundation and The Two Lilies Fund.
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Hosted by


What is a collaborative Fund?

Who will receive grants from the Fund?

What is the budget of the Fund?

How will grant making decisions be made?

Is this Fund the only mechanism to support regional networks?

Who hosts the fund?