Shape Beige

Take-aways from our Annual Meeting in Penang, Malaysia

In May 2024, we held our third Annual Meeting alongside the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)'s Regional Conference for Early Childhood Development in Penang, Malaysia.

What were the highlights?

  • For the first time, all regional ECD networks were represented in-person, enriching our collective conversations and strengthening partnerships. Beyond the fund’s Annual Meeting, regional network representatives participated on panels throughout the conference, bringing diverse perspectives to regional challenges affecting early childhood.
  • Somos Crianza, the newly launched Latin American coalition of ECD networks, was also in attendance and their establishment was celebrated throughout the conference.

  • National networks and members from Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Malawi, Slovakia, and Tunisia joined us in a workshop to explore the different kinds of impact generated by ECD networks and the opportunities and challenges they face in capturing communicating that impact to external audience. You can read more about approaches to network impact and measurement in our session report here.
  • The groundwork was laid for regional projects to strengthen and promote fatherhood and male engagement in early childhood. Current work on this issue was presented by each of the regional networks, and partners from Sesame Workshop and Plan International served as critical friends and thought partners in discussion on how to strengthen these approaches. You can find a session report with key insights and next steps here.

  • Regional network and ECRN Fund representatives were invited to participate in ARNEC’s board meeting, where each network shared about their unique approach, their membership and governance structures, and some of their key successes in advancing ECD policy and practice in their regions.
  • Old friends were reunited and new friends were made throughout the sessions and activities organised during the Annual Meeting.

For more details on the session plans, you can review the agenda for our annual meeting: Annual Meeting 2024 Agenda

Morning Session: Fatherhood and Male Engagement – kick-off workshop for cross-regional approach

This session explored existing challenges and gaps, as well as untapped opportunities, for regional networks to strength and promote fatherhood and male engagement in early childhood. Joined by national networks, members, and technical experts working on this issue, the group identified ways of strengthening their approaches within their regions, as well as cross-regional learning opportunities and joint initiatives to build capacity across their wider network of members and partners.
The session was organised around the following learning questions:
  • How are regional networks uniquely positioned to advance fatherhood and male engagement in ECD?
  • Where are there gaps in noteworthy or successful practices or understanding of approaches and solutions?
  • Are there joint priorities that could benefit from collaboration?

You can read more about existing initiatives and future cross-regional plans in our session report.


Afternoon Session: Capturing & Communicating Network Impact: reflections from national and regional ECD networks

This session explored the different kinds of impact generated by regional and national networks that advance ECD, as well as challenges and opportunities in communicating impact, to both internal and external audiences.
The session was organized around the following learning questions:
  • How do different networks define and understand impact?
  • How do different networks communicate their impact internally to members and partners to share what’s working, and externally to advance ECD, and support strategic partnerships and sustainability?

You can read more about the types of impact generated by ECD networks and the approaches they to capturing and communicating that impact in our session report.

Thank You!

Thank you, first and foremost, to the ARNEC Secretariat who pulled off a fantastic regional conference and organised a great Annual Meeting.
Thank you to Amanda Welsh, Senior Consultant at Network Impact, who co-designed and facilitated the morning and afternoon sessions, and who drafted the reports for each.
Thank you to each of the regional networks – ISSA, ARNEC, AfECN and ANECD - who dedicated their valuable time and energy to these sessions and have made insights and conversations rich.
Thank you to our funders, partners and friends who attended our Annual Meeting and have supported us throughout the process. We look forward to the next time we can meet again in person!